Keonepoko Elementary School


Keonepoko Elementary has adopted the following definition of bullying below. All of our students and teachers are continuing to learn and use this definition. We are asking parents and our community to learn this definition, so we may all have a common language of what bullying is.

Bullying is when someone repeatedly and on purpose says or does mean or hurtful things to another person who has a hard time defending him or herself.

Bullying can take many forms such as hitting, name calling, spreading false rumors, not letting someone be a part of the group, and sending inappropriate messages on a cell phone or over the internet – this is just to name a few. Administration will determine appropriate disciplinary actions based upon the following factors.

  • Intention of the offender
  • Nature and severity of the offense
  • Impact of the offense on others including:
    • Whether the action was committed by an individual or a group of individuals such as a gang.
  • Age of the offender
  • Repeat offender status of the student

All students will be counseled in addition to disciplinary actions.

Keonepoko Elementary Anti-Bullying Rules

  1. We will not bully others.

  2. We will help students who are bullied.

  3. We will include students who are left out.

  4. We will tell an adult at school and an adult at home if we know that somebody is being bullied.


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Phone: (808) 313-4500   Fax: (808) 965-2138

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


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