Keonepoko Elementary School

Bus transportation is available for students in Grade K-6 who live one mile or more from the school. All students are required to have a bus pass and will not be allowed on the bus without it. There is a $5.00 fee for bus passes that need to be replaced. Students may qualify for free bus rides if parents meet requirements. If requirements are not met a fee schedule will be sent home. Application forms are distributed by the school. Forms ST-70, ST-71, and ST-72 are mandatory for all students and should be turned in promptly for processing. For concerns regarding students on the bus, please contact the school. For concerns regarding bus service, please call Robert’s Student Transportation at 966-7171. Parents and students are responsible for student behavior at the bus stop.

Students may only ride their assigned bus. If a student needs to ride a different bus because of a special situation, the form CS-101, (Request for Students to Ride School Bus on a Space Available Basis) must be completed by the parent and approved prior to the change. A fee will be charged.

If a child is currently enrolled in school as a result of a Geographic Exception, he or she is entitled to remain in that school throughout the highest grade served by the school; however, the HIDOE will not provide mileage reimbursement or transportation options.

Students who attend schools or programs of choice are ineligible for transportation, including curb-to-curb transportation for students with disabilities. Schools or programs of choice are defined as:

  • Charter schools
  • Magnet schools
  • Learning centers
  • Schools outside of the students’ home school attendance area, as determined by the student’s legal residence.

This does not apply to students who are:

  • Programmatically placed by the IEP team
  • Attending a conversion charter school designed as their home school based on their legal residence, or Homeless and attending their school of origin.


Children Missing the Bus

Please instruct your children to go directly to the designated bus area when the afternoon bell rings. Should a child miss the bus, you will be contacted at the numbers indicated on the child’s emergency card. Should the school be unable to contact you, others on the card will be called. Students will only be released to people listed on the emergency card. Police will be called for children left after 4:00pm.


Bus Safety Expectations & Rules

All students riding school buses shall abide by the following requirements.
At the designated school bus stop and while boarding, students shall:

  • Be on time at the designated school bus stop to help keep the bus on schedule
  • Stay off the road while waiting for the bus and conduct themselves in a safe manner while waiting
  • Refrain from loud talking at bus stops which may disturb nearby residents
  • Refrain from littering or defacing property at bus stops
  • Line up in an orderly, single file and wait until the bus comes to a complete stop before attempting to board the bus
  • Walk on the side of the road facing traffic to get to the bus stop if there are no sidewalks
  • Not allowed to bring articles on the bus that may cause injury to passengers or carry on articles which cannot be stored safely
  • Use the handrail and watch their step when boarding the bus

While on the bus, students shall:

  • Keep hands and heads inside the bus at all times
  • Refrain from loud talking and laughing which may divert the driver's attention and result in a serious accident
  • Treat bus equipment as valuable furniture. Damage to seats, windows, and other equipment shall be paid for by the offender or the offender's parent
  • No eating or drinking allowed on bus
  • Refrain from tampering with the bus or any of its equipment
  • Keep books, packages, coats, and all other objects out of the aisle
  • Remain in the bus in case of a road emergency, unless directed to do otherwise by the bus driver  
  • Refrain from throwing anything out of the bus window
  • Remain in their seat while the bus is in motion 
  • Refrain from smoking, drinking, gambling, fighting, or any other behavior that will endanger health or morals
  • Obey the driver

Hawai'i Department of Education Bus Pass Procedures

Students are expected to display their bus pass (or render a bus coupon) to the bus driver upon demand. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action and service disruptions as follows:

  • Elementary and Middle School Students who fail to display a valid bus pass in the mornings will be transported to school then immediately reported to the school principal. Students who fail to display a valid bus pass in the afternoons may be required to obtain a temporary bus pass from the school office before boarding the bus. Repeat offenders will not be permitted to board the bus.

Reference Hawai'i Administrative Rule, Title 8, Chapter 27 (Auth: HRS §302A-1112)(Imp: HRS §§286- 181, 302A-1112)                                                                                      

The privilege of riding a school bus to school is extended to all students of Keonepoko Elementary School District who meet the qualifications established by the State of Hawaii Student Transportation Services to ride a school bus. Improper conduct while riding the bus will result in denial of bus riding privileges for a period of time determined by administration or designee. The same rules apply to those students riding buses to and from school-sponsored activities. Under all conditions the bus driver is in charge and his or her rules are to be followed with guide from the Bus Safety Rules, which are listed on pg. 22 in the student/parent handbook.

Driver will fill out a Bus Incident Report. A copy will be sent home to the parent. Every attempt should be made by the driver and student to solve problems on the bus. When a student’s behavior continues to be disruptive and bus rules and regulations are not followed, this leads to safety concerns which could result in disciplinary actions that may include:

  • Correction and student conference
  • Detention
  • Loss of Privilege
  • Parent contact, conference
  • Suspension from bus 

When in the judgment of the bus driver, transportation director, and administration, the behavior by a rider is such that it becomes an immediate threat to the safety of other riders and/or the bus itself, the driver take all necessary actions to ensure the safety of all riders. Fighting or physical severe hitting (punching, kicking, or similar behavior that may injure others) may be an automatic suspension from riding the bus transportation as determined by the bus driver, transportation director, and administration.

Regulations For Students Riding Buses

SAFETY is the prime responsibility of both driver and student; all these rules are directed towards getting students to and from school safely.

  • Keep hands, feet, objects and negative comments to yourself while riding the bus. 
  • Remain seated while bus is in motion. 
  • The bus is school property. If you damage it you will be responsible to pay for it. 
  • Aisles must remain clear of passengers as well as property. 
  • All bus incidents should be reported directly to the bus driver. Drivers will immediately report the incident to administration of any such action and the parents will then be notified of action taken.

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Google Maps15-890 Kahakai Blvd Pahoa, Hawaii 96778
Phone: (808) 313-4500   Fax: (808) 965-2138

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


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