Keonepoko Elementary School

The Sex Abuse Treatment Center’s (SATC) series of four curricula is designed to protect children from the serious impacts of sexual violence, and to promote safe, respectful relationships. 

The K-12 Curricula Offer:

  • Age-appropriate materials and activities that build students’ knowledge and skills.
  • Detailed lesson plans with tips for teaching and answers to common questions.
  • Alignment of lessons to Hawaii’s Content and Performance Standards III for health education.
  • Tools for educators to prepare themselves, parents, and schools to effectively educate students.
  • Information and links to resources to help students affected by sexual violence.

My Body is Special (K - 2nd grade)

  • Students learn rules to help protect them from unsafe situations & touches.
  • Students learn the “My Body Belongs to Me” song to reinforce body safety concepts.
  • Students learn to tell a trusted grown-up if unsafe touching happens to them.
  • Includes a Let’s Talk about Touching coloring and activity book for each student to take home to share key messages with family. 

My Body, My Boundaries (3rd- 6th grade)

  • Students learn how to recognize and respond to unsafe, or sexually abusive behaviors (referred to as unwanted talking, showing, and touching of private parts).
  • Students learn how to identify and respect personal boundaries and how to stay safe from internet predators.
  • Students learn about their intuition and telling a trusted adult when they feel unsafe.

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Google Maps15-890 Kahakai Blvd Pahoa, Hawaii 96778
Phone: (808) 313-4500   Fax: (808) 965-2138

This institution is an equal opportunity provider.


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